Our approach to sustainability
Chalice’s approach to sustainability is based on four pillars, or focus areas, that encompass our material sustainability issues and drive our performance across our activities via ten clearly defined long-term goals and targets. In essence, we work to minimise our environmental footprint through strong environmental stewardship, provide a healthy and safe workplace for our employees and contractors, create value for our stakeholders, and contribute to the decarbonisation of the global economy and a low emissions future.
Our Sustainability Vision and Pillars
Deliver sustained shared value, for both stakeholders and shareholders, through responsible sustainability practices.
Strong Environmental Stewardship
Manage Climate Change Risk
Create Value for Stakeholders
Healthy & Safe Workforce

Chalice has qualified as a member of the S&P Global Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI Australia). We are thrilled to be included in the top performing Australian mining companies for sustainability, ranked alongside just seven other mining and exploration companies recognised in this category.
The DJSI was launched in 1999 as the pioneering series of global sustainability benchmarks available in the market. The index family is comprised of global, regional and country benchmarks.
For more information: https://www.spglobal.com/esg/csa/