
Strong environmental stewardship

Chalice is committed to rigorous standards and governing frameworks to ensure responsible environmental practices are followed in all our activities. We take our environmental responsibilities seriously. We are committed to achieving excellence in environmental management through understanding the sensitivities of the areas where we are active and applying the mitigation hierarchy to avoid, minimise, mitigate and, where appropriate, offset our impacts to the environment.

At Chalice we believe that meeting the global challenge of decarbonisation should not come at the cost of unacceptable local impacts. We fundamentally believe that mining can be done sustainably and responsibly, and that mining development can coexist with conservation and community values.

Environmental management measures are applied proactively across all our exploration programs through procedures and standards to manage potential environmental risks, impacts and opportunities across all our activities. An example of these standards can be found in our Conservation Management Plan. All environmental management is undertaken in accordance with the Environment Policy.

Annual & Sustainability Report


Gonneville Biodiversity Strategy

To ensure science-based no net loss of species or habitat diversity as a result of mining operations.

Delivering the Biodiversity Strategy and Offsets

On-the-ground reforestation work has begun to support fauna and connect remnant areas of vegetation regionally.


Establish ecological corridors


Implement restoration initiatives that habitat fragmentation


Improve carbon sequestration