Chalice is a globally recognised explorer-developer based in Western Australia with a strong track record of value creation for shareholders. The Company is well funded with ~A$80 million in cash at end 2024, which is expected to fund completion of the studies and permitting phase for our flagship Project and allows Chalice to continue high-impact exploration in the new West Yilgarn Province.
Our major greenfield discovery in early 2020, the Gonneville Project in Western Australia, is the largest undeveloped palladium-nickel-copper project in the western world. Gonneville has a tier-1 scale Resource containing approximately 17 million ounces of platinum group elements (PGEs), 960 thousand tonnes of nickel, 540 thousand tonnes of copper and 96 thousand tonnes of cobalt, making it the largest PGE discovery in Australian history. The Project has Strategic and Major Project Status from the WA and Commonwealth governments, recognising its scale and strategic importance to the critical minerals sector as well as the dominance of Russia and South Africa in palladium production.
Chalice is advancing this world class project towards development, with a Pre-Feasibility Study targeted for completion in mid CY2025 and regulatory approvals process underway. The Project is predicted to have a 20+ year mine life and be the lowest cost PGE mine in the western world (2nd quartile). In mid 2024, Chalice signed a strategic, non-binding MOU with Mitsubishi Corporation of Japan, a top-tier development partner, with the intention of formalising a potential binding partnership on completion of the PFS.
Chalice’s Gonneville discovery has been recognised with multiple awards including the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada prestigious 2023 Thayer Lindsley Award for best international mineral discovery. The discovery opened up a new, largely unexplored mineral province, the West Yilgarn Province, where Chalice holds an unrivalled >8,000km2 licence position. Chalice is actively exploring the province with several greenfield gold-copper targets currently being drilled.
- Company formed
- A$7.5M raised in IPO to explore the Chalice and Higginsville gold districts in WA
- Chalice and Higginsville projects sold for ~A$12M
- Zara Gold Project in Eritrea acquired for ~A$7M
2009 – 2011
- ~A$34M raised to progress Zara Project to DFS
- Zara sold for ~A$110M
- A$0.10ps returned to shareholders (~A$25M)
- Cameron Gold Project in Ontario acquired for ~A$8M
- Cameron Gold Project sold for ~A$25M
- A$0.04ps capital return to shareholders (~A$10.6M)
2016 – 2019
- Staked or acquired large greenfield exploration projects in Australia and Canada (including Julimar, now known as Gonneville) exploring for nickel, gold, vanadium
- Major PGE-Ni-Cu-Co-Au discovery at Julimar (now Gonneville) in first drill hole
- Birth of the highly-prospective West Yilgarn Ni-Cu-PGE Province in Western Australia centred on the >30km long Julimar Complex
- ~A$145M raised to progress Gonneville
- Staked ~8,000km2 licence holding surrounding Gonneville
- Spin-out of 5,000km2 Pyramid Hill Gold Project in Canada to become Falcon Metals Ltd (ASX:FAL)
- Exploration drilling commences at new targets along the Julimar Complex
- Tier-1 maiden Gonneville Resource of 330Mt @ 0.94g/t 3E, 0.16% Ni, 0.10% Cu, 0.016% Co
- A$100M raised to progress Gonneville studies
- Gonneville Resource #2 upgrade to 350Mt @ 0.96g/t 3E, 0.16% Ni. 0.10% Cu, 0.015% Co
- Gonneville Resource #3 upgrade to 560Mt @ 0.88g/t 3E, 0.16% Ni, 0.09% Cu, 0.015% Co
- ~A$76M raised to progress Gonneville studies and regional exploration
- Gonneville Scoping Study completed which outlined a potential new long-life, low-cost, low-carbon critical minerals mine in Western Australia
- Gonneville Resource #4 remodelled to support selective high-grade starter case, including upgrade to 660Mt @ 0.79g/t 3E, 0.20% Ni, 0.21% Cu, 0.019% Co
- Acquired a strategic investment in Encounter Resources Limited (ASX:ENR) exposing Chalice to Encounter’s prospective tenements in the West Arunta Province
- Submitted the Gonneville Project for State and Commonwealth environmental approvals
- Executed a strategic MOU with Mitsubishi Corporation to work together on the ongoing development studies for the Gonneville Project
We are here
- Chalice has a metallurgical breakthrough and confirms a saleable Nickel concentrate can be produced from the entire Gonneville sulphide Resource